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Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) 2021:
Upcoming Program Changes

Coming September 28, 2021 00:00 UTC


Any CKAD exam reservation that occurs after 00:00 UTC on September 28, 2021, including free retakes, will test on the new set of Domains and Competencies (listed below).

It does not matter if the reservation happens to be for a first attempt or a free retake, nor does it matter on what date you made the exam purchase; it only matters on what date you sit for the exam.

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) can design, build and deploy cloud-native applications for Kubernetes.
A CKAD can define application resources and use Kubernetes core primitives to create/migrate, configure, expose and observe scalable applications. The exam assumes working knowledge of container runtimes and microservice architecture.

The successful candidate will be comfortable:
– working with (OCI-compliant) container images
– applying Cloud Native application concepts and architectures
– working with and validating Kubernetes resource definitions

CKAD 2021 Domain & Competencies are outlined below

Application Design and Build – 20%

  • Define, build and modify container images
  • Understand Jobs and CronJobs
  • Understand multi-container Pod design patterns (e.g. sidecar, init and others)
  • Utilize persistent and ephemeral volumes

Application Environment, Configuration and Security – 25%

  • Discover and use resources that extend Kubernetes (CRD)
  • Understand authentication, authorization and admission control
  • Understanding and defining resource requirements, limits and quotas
  • Understand ConfigMaps
  • Create & consume Secrets
  • Understand ServiceAccounts
  • Understand SecurityContexts

Application Deployment – 20% 

  • Use Kubernetes primitives to implement common deployment strategies (e.g. blue/green or canary)
  • Understand Deployments and how to perform rolling updates
  • Use the Helm package manager to deploy existing packages

Services and Networking – 20%

  • Demonstrate basic understanding of NetworkPolicies
  • Provide and troubleshoot access to applications via services
  • Use Ingress rules to expose applications

Application Observability and Maintenance – 15%

  • Understand API deprecations
  • Implement probes and health checks
  • Use provided tools to monitor Kubernetes applications
  • Utilize container logs
  • Debugging in Kubernetes

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