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FDC3 Course Simplifies Learning Open Standards for Financial Desktops

November 9, 2021Announcements

The Financial Desktop Connectivity and Collaboration Consortium (FDC3) was founded in 2017 and contributed to the Fintech Open Source Foundation (FINOS), a nonprofit whose mission is to accelerate adoption of open source software, standards and best practices in financial services. The FDC3 standard is developed and used by leading organizations across the financial industry to enable seamless interoperability amongst financial applications and has become a key enabler for transformation as financial organizations embrace micro-frontend-oriented workflows.

Addressing the growing adoption of the FDC3 standard requires that more individuals in financial services understand the standard from both a technical and business perspective. That is why FINOS partnered with Linux Foundation Training & Certification to create the new FDC3: Interoperability for the Financial Desktop (LFS177x) training course. This is the first training course focused on a FINOS project; the course is hosted on the edX online learning platform.

LFS177x explores the FDC3 standard for application interoperability including the vision, key concepts, benefits, and how workflow-driven design makes it easy to get started with FDC3. It is meant for financial professionals working in business roles, program management, or technical architecture, who would like to understand how FDC3 can help them achieve integrated workflows between applications on their desktop. This course will also be invaluable to software developers seeking a thorough introduction to the technical concepts that form part of the FDC3 standard.

This course prepares business professionals to make informed decisions in the planning or procurement process for new software and helps to ensure that workflows are joined up effectively. Software and fintech professionals will walk away with an understanding of the key FDC3 concepts and how to use the appropriate concepts when developing applications.

The course was developed by Riko Eksteen, Sebastian Moser and Ivan Falanga. Riko is the Head of Desktop Strategy at Adaptive Financial Consulting, a participant of the FDC3 Standard Working Group, and FDC3 Lead Maintainer. Sebastian is a Lead Developer at Adaptive Financial Consulting who has been a software engineer for 10+ years and been involved in projects adopting FDC3 interop on the desktop and the web. Ivan is a Front End Developer at Adaptive Financial Consulting and has worked on multiple projects using a variety of Desktop platforms using FDC3.

This course is free to audit for seven weeks, including access to all materials. Those who wish to have access longer and/or earn a verified certificate of completion can upgrade for a fee. Enroll today to improve your fintech application development and use practices.

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