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NEW Express Learning Course: Getting Started with Rust

October 24, 2023Announcements

Kickstart Your Rust Programming Journey

Are you an aspiring programmer or computer scientist eager to harness the power of a cutting-edge programming language? Look no further than Rust! Known for its emphasis on safety, reliability, and performance, Rust is becoming the go-to choice for those who aim to craft robust, efficient code.

The Express Learning course Getting Started with Rust (LFEL1002) introduces you to Rust, equipping you with essential skills that will help avoid common programming errors and also elevate the reliability of your code.

During the course you will cover several topic areas including:

  • Understanding Rust’s Core Principles: Delve into why Rust is considered such a valuable programming language while learning about its unique features, and how they contribute to a safer and more reliable coding experience.
  • Hands-On Rust Programming: Roll up your sleeves and start writing your first Rust program as you learn the basics and grasp fundamental syntax and logic that underpin Rust’s robustness.
  • Cargo: Your Rust Companion: Unleash the full potential of Rust with Cargo, the powerful package manager and build tool. Become adept at managing dependencies and building and testing Rust programs.
  • Memory Safety and Ownership: Gain a deep understanding of Rust’s innovative approach to memory management. Learn how ownership and borrowing work together to eradicate memory-related bugs, resulting in code that’s more robust and reliable.
  • Performance-Driven Design: Explore Rust’s performance-oriented design philosophy. Discover how to leverage its capabilities to write efficient code for a wide range of applications.

Upon completing this course, you will:

  • Understand why Rust is a valuable language in the world of programming.
  • Have the ability to write simple yet powerful programs in Rust.
  • Effectively utilize Cargo to build and manage your Rust projects.
  • Be able to identify and implement basic improvements in your Rust code.

Getting Started with Rust (LFEL1002) is a FREE, online, self-paced course designed to be completed in 90 minutes or less. Those that successfully complete the course receive a digital badge and a certificate of completion.

Start Your Rust Journey – Enroll for FREE Now!

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