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Linux Performance Analysis With Perf

Linux Performance Analysis With Perf

Tuning systems and applications for speed requires tools to gain visibility into the performance hotspots that will yield the largest improvements. Perf, which we cover in this tutorial, constitutes one of the latest additions to the Linux world in the field of performance analysis. As an built-in performance profiler, perf lets us easily gain access to various performance counters and metrics needed to optimize software performance under Linux. In this presentation we briefly expose some of the strategies and techniques used in high performance environments and discussed at length in our Linux Advanced Performance Tuning class.

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About the Speaker

Dominic Duval has worked as the director of Enterprise Training at the Linux Foundation. He spent the last few years in the financial industry, helping Morgan Stanley and, more recently, Goldman Sachs with their vast and complex Linux deployments. As a kernel developer, Dominic started bridging the gap between enterprise environments and the Linux community more than a decade ago by writing and presenting several Linux trainings to corporate audiences. His collaboration with Red Hat Global Learning Services allowed him to deliver trainings to thousands of people and gain a privileged understanding of the needs of corporate users, especially in high performance environments.

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