Thank you for your interest, we invite you to learn more about our Training Partner Program.
Can you tell me more about your partnership with
Yes! The Linux Foundation has partnered with to help deliver a series of massive open online courses (MOOCs). These entry-level courses cover a range of popular open source technologies and are designed to help those interested, gain good foundational knowledge to set them up for success in more advanced courses. Visit to view all of our free courses.
How can I be notified when new training courses or certifications become available?
Great question! We invite you to sign up for our monthly newsletter where you can find out about all the latest news in our open source offerings as well as other cool things The Linux Foundation is doing. Plus, its the only way to find out about our secret training sales! Signing up is easy, fill out the Stay Up To Date form at the bottom of our website. If you decide it’s not for you, you can easily unsubscribe at any time.
I have questions about purchasing bulk training for my team/company. Who can I talk to?
We specialized in designing training solutions to fit your needs and your budget. To learn more, please submit a corporate training inquiry and a member of our team will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs.
How do I apply for scholarships?
If you are an individual seeking scholarship information, please visit this page to learn about our annual scholarship program which launches around April 1st each year. Applications are typically open for a 30-day period.