Training > DevOps and Site Reliability > CI/CD with Jenkins (LFS268)
Training Course

CI/CD with Jenkins X (LFS268)

This course introduces Jenkins X – an open source tool for CI/CD. Upon course completion, you will walk away with a solid understanding of build blocks of Jenkins X and how to create Pipeline as Code workflows with Jenkins X.

Who Is It For

This course is designed for DevOps engineers, SREs as well as software developers and architects who want to master their cloud-native CI/CD skills by introducing Jenkins X solutions. Before enrolling, students should have a basic understanding of Kubernetes, Docker, YAML syntax and programming languages, and a good grasp of Git and software development lifecycle concepts.
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What You’ll Learn

In this course, you’ll learn how to describe the architecture of Jenkins X, install and operate Jenkins X, build pipelines in Jenkins X, create and import existing projects into Jenkins X, promote applications through various built-in environments, extend and modify pipelines, create custom build packs and much more.
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What It Prepares You For

After completing this course, you will be able to use Jenkins X to build, test and deploy your cloud-native applications. As a DevOps engineer or SRE, you will be able to create and manage Jenkins X CI/CD pipelines.
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Course Outline
Chapter 1. Course Introduction
Chapter 2. Introduction to Jenkins X
Chapter 3. Building Blocks of Jenkins X
Chapter 4. Installing Jenkins X
Chapter 5. Creating Jenkins X Projects
Chapter 6. CI/CD Flow with Jenkins X
Chapter 7. Jenkins X Pipelines
Chapter 8. Pipeline Catalog
Chapter 9. Next Steps

Before taking this course, you should be familiar with:

  • Kubernetes (Kubernetes PODs, namespaces and services)
  • Docker – creating and deploying Docker images
  • Basics of YAML syntax
  • Programming languages (data types, basic syntax, decision-making constructs)
  • Git -committing, merging and pull request workflow
  • Software Development Lifecycle phases: requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance
Lab Info
To successfully complete the lab exercises in this course, access to a Linux server or Linux desktop/laptop is required. Access to a public cloud provider, or VirtualBox on your machine is also needed. Detailed instructions to set up your lab environment are provided in the course.

If using a cloud provider like GCP or AWS, you should be able to complete the lab exercises using the free tier or credits provided to you. However, you may incur charges if you exceed the credits initially allocated by the cloud provider, or if the cloud provider’s terms and conditions change.

Sep 2023
It provided the necessary foundation of Jenkins X in a short and comprehensible way.
Aug 2023
Very concise, with good explanations.
Jul 2023
It was focused. Prior to that, I was researching from the web, and the information there was splintered. I hd to go to ten sources to get the picture that I got from one chapter of your course. So, loved your course.
Mar 2023
I liked the detail on how to install and use Jenkins X.
Dec 2022
Practical and straight-to-the-point approach.